FC051PK37T4E20H3XXCXXXSXXX three-phase 380-480V power 0.37KW inverter
  • FC051PK37T4E20H3XXCXXXSXXX three-phase 380-480V power 0.37KW inverter
views: 220

FC051PK37T4E20H3XXCXXXSXXX three-phase 380-480V power 0.37KW inverter


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FC051PK37T4E20H3XXCXXXSXXX three-phase 380-480V power 0.37KW inverter

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Supply voltage and power range
1 x 200-240 V...0.18-2.2 kW
3 x 200-240 V...0.25-3.7 kW
3 x 380-480 V..0.37-22 kW
With its compact booksize design, there is no derating when mounted side by side.
Low dust penetration through coated PCB
Built-in RFI filter limits radio interference from motor cables
Efficient heat sink dissipates heat away from electronic components, extending drive life and improving reliability
Converts kinetic energy generated in the application into braking force that slows down the electric motor, thereby reducing energy consumption

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