Honeywell XC100D Home Commercial Carbon monoxide Alarm Wall Mount Tester Show Concentration
  • Honeywell XC100D Home Commercial Carbon monoxide Alarm Wall Mount Tester Show Concentration
views: 247

Honeywell XC100D Home Commercial Carbon monoxide Alarm Wall Mount Tester Show Concentration


( 0 reviews )

Item NO.: V001726 MOQ: 0
Weight:    3kgs
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general description
High reliability
· Has a recognized long-life sensor technology
· Pass the BSI third party EN50291-1:2010 and EN50291-2:2010 certification · Seal enclosure prevents exposure to adverse environmental conditions
· Optional early warning function
· Low monitoring mode · End of service life signal
Low cost total purchase cost
· 7 years of service life
· Maintenance-free —— without replacing parts
No identification results
Is a tamper-proof feature
· Use a sealed battery
· Can self-lock on the mounting board —— can only use the tool (screwdriver) to remove · trigger the activation and disabling functions through the mounting board

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