Honeywell SenspointRTD ammonia gas hydrogen sulfide can gas sulfur dioxide chlorine gas oxygen sensor
  • Honeywell SenspointRTD ammonia gas hydrogen sulfide can gas sulfur dioxide chlorine gas oxygen sensor
views: 210

Honeywell SenspointRTD ammonia gas hydrogen sulfide can gas sulfur dioxide chlorine gas oxygen sensor


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Item NO.: V001888 MOQ: 0
Weight:    3kgs
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Detection principle Catalytic combustion type / electrochemical formula
working power supply Gas available: 200mA
Gas: 18~30VDC
maximum power Gas available: O.7W
Natural gas: o.9w
output signal combustible gas:mV
Gas: 4-20mA loop
levels of protection IP65 (Standard), IP67 (fitted with weather shield)
joggle Gasailable: 3 / 4 " NPT, M20, M25, M26
way to install Gas: 3 / 4NPT, M2O, M25"
working temperature Connect to the Honeywell junction box
Working humidity High temperature type: -55 °℃ ~ + 150℃
Standard type: -40 °℃ ~ + 70℃
working pressure Continuous: 20~90%RH (no condensation)
Interval: 10~99% RH (no condensation)
Shell material 90~11OkPa
weight Polybenzene sulfide (PPS),
High temperature model is 316 stainless steel

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