Honeywell Honeywell HOD-X1 Smart Malodorous Gas Online Monitor
  • Honeywell Honeywell HOD-X1 Smart Malodorous Gas Online Monitor
views: 223

Honeywell Honeywell HOD-X1 Smart Malodorous Gas Online Monitor


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Item NO.: V001894 MOQ: 0
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Product features master core technology:
Honeywell has the world's advanced PID, electrochemical, temperature, pressure and flow sensors, R & D, production and rich application algorithm technology. It can solve the problems of zero drift, temperature drift, stability in use, etc.
Perfect function:
A single odor monitoring terminal can monitor ou, H2S, NH3 and meteorological 5 parameters (optional) in the ambient air; At the same time, odor characteristic factors can be added according to user requirements, such as TVOC, methyl mercaptan, methyl sulfide and other comprehensive odor indicators.
The host uses the f sensor and matrix algorithm independently developed by Honeywell; The gas circuit adopts negative pressure suction type, and the sample gas does not pass through the pump valve, so there is no secondary pollution.
Stable work:
The battery and AC220V city power can switch freely to ensure the normal operation for 12 hours; automatically save the data for 12O days, and the information is lost;
Strong environmental adaptability:
Fully considering environmental factors such as high temperature, high cold and high humidity, heating pretreatment, stainless steel \ carbon steel spray plastic shell and ventilation insulation layer to ensure the continuous and stable monitoring performance of the core monitoring unit; real-time transmission:
Built-in data transmission terminal DTU, through a variety of wireless network and big data platform docking, to realize the real-time user terminal data display daily, weekly report, alarm and other functions;
Easy operation and maintenance:
The terminal structure design is reasonable, high reliability, convenient installation and maintenance;

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