Honeywell agent Dongfang Haitai DFHT series gas ratio dynamic gas distribution instrument flue gas analyzer is available
  • Honeywell agent Dongfang Haitai DFHT series gas ratio dynamic gas distribution instrument flue gas analyzer is available
views: 245

Honeywell agent Dongfang Haitai DFHT series gas ratio dynamic gas distribution instrument flue gas analyzer is available


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Item NO.: V001913 MOQ: 0
Weight:    5kgs
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main features
1. Automatic gas dispensing according to the set value, and preset gas distribution scheme to facilitate the daily repetitive gas distribution work; 2. LCD large screen display, full Chinese menu, touch operation;
3. All the standard gas is converted into the required concentration of gas to save the cost;
4. The air treated by the air generator can be used as zero gas and matched with the standard gas;
5. High gas distribution accuracy and stable air flow. The formulated standard gas can be flow-controlled, and the formulated standard gas can be output according to the set flow rate.
6. The instrument can be four flow control and flow control above four gas distribution, and the gas can be optional flexible operation

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