Honeywell XCD Online Online Gas Tester SPXCDALMFX
  • Honeywell XCD Online Online Gas Tester SPXCDALMFX
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Honeywell XCD Online Online Gas Tester SPXCDALMFX


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Gas name Gas range increment Default range Received for the calibration gas concentration
gas 25.0%ol only na 25.0%Vol 20.9%VoH fixed)
Knock into hydrogen 10.0 to 100.0ppm 1ppm 50ppm 30 to 70% range
carbon monoxide 100 to 1000ppm 100ppm 500ppm 30to 70% range (typical 50%)
hydrogen 1,0C0ppm only nla 1,000ppm
nitrogen dioxide 10 to 50ppm 5ppm 10ppm
Long match for a match (catalytic combustion) 20,0 to 100.0%LEL 10%LEL 100.0%LEL
A match (infrared) 20,0 to 100.0%LEL 10%LEL 100.0%LEL
Propane (infrared) 20,0 to 100.0%LEL 10%LEL 100.0%LEL
Carbon dioxide (infrared) 2.00%Vol only na 2.00%Vol 0.8 to 1.2%Vol
Note: The above product performance characteristics are the result of isolation detection in environments with 20C~25'℃ of cleanliness and humidity of 50%RH.For calibration, use the calibration cap and recommended flow, if using a weather shield and Sensepoint gas sensing at xCD RTD The speed of low huang environment will slow down.All of these only provide their typical values.For detailed data, please contact Honeywell Analytics Company directly.
Gas name Gas range resolution ratio Default range Caliof gas concentration is recommended
Magnetic dioxide 15ppm only50ppm only 0.1 15.0ppm 10ppm
0.1 50.0ppm 20ppm
50ppm only100ppm only1000ppm only 0.1 50.0ppm 25ppm
0.1 100pprm 50ppm
1 1000ppm 500ppm
chlorine 5ppm only15ppm only 0.01 5.00ppm 3ppm
0.1 15.0ppm 10ppm
Argon dioxide 10ppm only 0.1 10.0ppm 5ppm
nitric oxide 100ppm only 0.1 100.0ppm 50ppm

China GB Exd llC T4 GB3836.182-2000,PA,CCCF
Korea KTL Ex d/CT6(-40°℃ to 65C)
America UL-Class l,Division 1.Groups B,Cand D,Class 1, Division 2,Groups B,C&D.
Class ll.Division,GroupsE,F&G.Class ll,Division 2,Groups F&G.-40°C to+65·C
Canada cUL/CSA
Europe ATEXExl1 2 GD Exd llC Gb T6(Ta-40°℃ to +65"C)Ex tbIIC T85"℃ Db IP66
international IEC Ex d llC Gb T6(Ta-40℃ to +65C)Ex tb IIC T85C Db IP66
ship classification society ABS,MED.ccs
EMc EN50270:2006 EN6100-6-4:2007
IP levels of protection lP66(遵循WEN60529:1992)
working temperature -40c to+65"℃
Working humidity 连续工作 20-90%RH(非冷超),间歇性工作10-99%RH(非冷凝)
working pressure 90-110kPa
Storage of Job's tears -25'Cto+65"C(-13°F to*149°F)

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