VLT® 2900 Drive
  • VLT® 2900 Drive
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VLT® 2900 Drive


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VLT® 2900 Drive

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Reliable and versatile inverter
Flexible and robust, able to adapt to voltage dips, dustproof, coated PCB board, built-in wobble frequency function designed for textile industry, serial communication, reliable multifunctional inverter.
Applicable voltage 380V-415V (-20/+10%)
Dustproof PCB (Printed Circuit Board) with coating
Built-in wobble function
Compact size, designed for side-by-side installation


VLT series has excellent flexibility

The main features are:

  Automatic motor adjustment

The motor parameters are measured to ensure the matching of the inverter and the motor, thereby improving the performance of the inverter.

  PID controller

Designed for optimal process control

  Interrupt start/stop

Ensure high repeatability of positioning accuracy every time


The VLT2900 is designed for stable operation under various industrial ring mirrors.

The built-in function that ensures such is:

Humanized design

  The VLT2900 is simpler to operate as an advanced multi-function inverter.

  Shortcut menu

Contains all basic parameters for commissioning the drive. Users can quickly install and maintain.

  serial communication

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