BM20009 Double-row diode board
  • BM20009 Double-row diode board
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BM20009 Double-row diode board


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Item NO.: V009143 MOQ: 0
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1 The AC active power meter BM10014 2000KW/AC,KILOWATTS
2 Communication is useless BM10015 2000KVAR/AC,KILOVARS
3 A.C. voltmeter BM10016 0-750V/AC
4 AC current meter BM10017 0-2000A/AC
5 frequency table BM10018 45~55HZ
6 Synchronous table BM10019 SLOW-FAST,120V
7 Communication on the surface BM10020 0~100﹪ AC
8 DC connects to the surface BM10021 100-0-100﹪ DC
9 Single phase rectifier bridge JQL98L
10 lock-on relay 9088800102 Model PRS250
11 Idle running switch KLA10100-1518-01
12 synchronous switch BM10035
13 Relay (RL 01) 700-CF220P 120VAC AB
14 time-delay relay 100-FPTB180 0-180s AB
15 Relay (RL 10) 700-HD33A1 120VAC
16 Relay (RL 02) 700-HD33Z24 24VDC
17 Relay (RL 03) 700-CF220P 120VAC
18 Relay (RL 09) 700-CF400P 120VAC
19 Single-row diode plate PC03 罗斯海尔ROSSHILL
20 Double-row diode PC04,PC20,PC21 罗斯海尔
21 DC voltmeter DB40 1000VDC
22 DC current meter DB40 2000ADC
23 DC contactor CCZ38-1250/10 74VDC
24 Resistance (for capacitive absorption) RXGB-55 25R
25 piezoresistance MYL8-750/70
26 Flash buzzer AD16-22SM/r 26-110VAC
27 inches switch YS L2-15C
28 Two-bit conversion switch CR104PSM21 GE
29 Three-bit conversion switch CR104PSM36 GE
30 Given the potential RHS1K01K 25W
31 Foot switch assembly BM30026
32 Down-to-foot potential BCW-25W 200欧 25W
33 Double potentiometer 0002-0390-12 1K 25W 罗斯海尔
34 Three core plug / seat P20K3HJG-1/P20J3MQJG
35 Four-core plug / seat (four-thin) P28K9QJG/P28J9MQJG
36 Seven core plug / seat P28K4QJG/P28J4MQJG

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